The Packaging Dilemma:

It's a challenge to make a product presentation "look professional" while at the same time minimizing packaging.  The two seem to be mutually exclusive in these "modern" times.  Apparently, most CEO's think those extra bags, and shrink wrap, and layers of molded inserts that display the products, and those crazy giant bubble chains with their brand name printed on each bubble are a necessary part of doing business.  I admit they still influence my subconscious judgements as a shopper.  Yet are they truly necessary?  This is the dilemma.  Anyone can buy all these crazy, wasteful things and make their products look "just like the big boys' products".  But why?

I have a thought, a vision, that this will not always be the case.  First of all, in the case of TeslaChick, I am hoping that being an online business means the actual product packaging is not such a factor in shoppers' purchase decisions.  Shoppers are making initial decisions looking at online images, not at the packaging, though when the products arrive, I'm sure you might think it is "quaint" of us not to have that escalated level of professional-looking packaging like everyone else.  

We, as a company, made the decision not to participate in these shenanigans.  Of course, there is a place out there that sells all this packaging wondering why I never called them back.  We decided not to buy the little branded plastic baggies to place our towels in, or the cardboard sleeve with tie-wraps to secure around each of our items with yet more printing and advertising.  We don't place shrink-wrap collars around each of our bottles, or buy the branded custom packaging tape or the giant branded boxes to fill with that fancy new huge-bubble chain insert.

Personally, I hate the tearing and stabbing with steak knives that goes on in my household after a visit to what is otherwise my favorite warehouse store -- all the while trying to get at a tiny item shielded by a two-foot by two foot square of 50-gauge display plastic.  Or the multiple trips with armfuls of cardboard and sharp plastic as I struggle to cram it into my recycling bin afterwards.

Instead, we here at TeslaChick have made a decision to package everything conservatively -- and all together.  Hopefully, you will find this a more accessible, humane and tactile experience.  We placed our soft plush towels immediately beneath the Waterless Wash bottles so that you can't help but feel their silky softness with your fingertips when picking up that first bottle.  I hope you will not judge us too harshly for it - and perhaps, think twice about your own packaging for whatever you ship and sell online in the future.